Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I am dying inside. And lost.

So nevermind that in one year I have had to deal with:
1. The death of my children's father
2. The death of the relationship I had with my 'best friend'
3. The death of my own father
4. The death of a close friend [whose funeral I spoke at on Saturday]
5. My son not passing high school
6. My daughter failing all four of her college classes
7. My mother interferring in my life via my kid
8. Oh and I forgot, my car has been broken into and had the tires all stolen too.

Evidently none of that matters to the master manipulator. She's chosen while I am at my lowest to steal my lying kid. Rather then allowing me to get her help and back on track, she's getting her an apartment. Since I punished the kids by turning off the phones, she got her a new one too.

Wow. My kid has her convinced that she is in danger with me. This slays me. Yes, I have had crying days but who the fuck wouldn't? My kid started avoiding being home LONG before my dad died and everything was FINE. She's the one who has been staying out all night and not telling anyone what is going on with her. She's the one who wouldn't go to the campus early to get the free shrink help she needs. She shut me out long before I melted down.

But bitch mother doesn't see it that way. Instead she disowned me. She judged me without witnessing a damn thing. She believes all the lies my daughter tells her about me.

Now I wish SHE'D get hit by a bus. The very same one my daughter keeps tossing me under.

I am heartbroken. I have been betrayed by someone -- well two people -- who lie about loving me. One who made me and the one I made. Where do I go from here?

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