Friday, December 11, 2009

All I want for Xmas is for you to help this friend

Will Sexton Benefit
As you may know, 39 year-old Austin musician and songwriter Will Sexton recently had a stroke. He is expected to have a full recovery. But during the time of his medical treatment and recovery, he will be losing his primary source of income: Live performance.

Those of you who know Will know that on a regular weeknight, Will is running from one gig to another and then maybe even another!

But for the time being, he's under doctors orders to take it a little slower

We will hold a benefit as soon as we can get it together, but until then, please consider donating what you can to help with expenses; even of it is just the cover you'd pay to get into a show!

To answer questions in advance - Yes he is Charlie's little brother. Yes I knew him in my sorted past. Yes it's too young. Please help if you can. I know money is tight but anything would be appreciated. [Donations made at that site.] THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Lv M

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