Friday, December 4, 2009

He liked to paint vultures

I know there's one at my mom's. It was payment for legal work done by Ray. The very work we have been looking for I think...and another was traded for my first vaneer when my front tooth got knocked out...luckily we found a dentist who was a fan...

There's more though. I know. If I am not mistaken there may be one on velvet, if it is still around. I remember when another one was painted. It part was an early desert series. Lots of warm yellows. Stark tree images and such. Maybe during the Fandango years? Not so sure anymore. These images are a little fragmented.

They had rough wood frames. The kind often found in barns or out hunting shacks in the backwoods and small towns. When I was younger I thought the roughness would give someone splinters if they weren't careful. Strange fear when you think about it because who who hugs their paintings? [I would.]

Most of the ones I remember were small enough to. The detail given in a small piece has always been some of the series best aspects. The two previously mentioned were larger pieces...My mom's is a foggy blue outline style and the one the dentist got was a close up face shot with great detail. A great way to show how diverse his styles could be -- even in one large collection.

The vultures at the Acorn were some of his personal favorites. Will shared stories about them, and how he spoke of them with admiration and endearment, with me in the past. He somehow felt connected to them.

Too bad those vultures couldn't have given him a proper sky burial. He liked those kinds of vultures. Those are the kind he painted.

Not the kind who are painting for him now...I can't imagine he'd admire these...Eitherway, there's nothing but dust left of the part of this that really mattered - the Artist known as Bill Narum.

Remember that. Remember the vultures and remember I paint big happy murals.

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